Thursday, March 21, 2024

Bali 2024 - Day 8 (March 20)

While we were at breakfast this morning, a man came to cut the grass in the parking area. He was using a weedeater with no guard, and doing it while wearing shorts and flip-flops. He only got one side done because one of the guests complained about the noise while she was eating.

Today was a rest at home day. I worked on writing and photos in the morning, and cooked the rest of the chicken from yesterday along with sauteed mushrooms and fried potatoes with onions for lunch. After we ate, we walked to the warung for kretek.

On the way back, I decided to investigate Kino's Kitchen. There is a sign out on the road, but no appearance that there is a restaurant. We walked up the driveway behind a garage to find a lovely, clean little place with three tables. At first, we thought we weren't supposed to be there - the guy seemed so surprised to see us. But then he showed us the menu and we decided to try both kinds of their homemade shumai.

We got them to go and took them back to Londo House. Completely forgot to take pictures of them, but trust me, they were beautiful and delicious. We ate in the dining area and played Yahtzee until about 9:30, then went to bed.

Here's the rest of today's pictures:

A dove hanging out in the rafters above our rooms

The entrance to Londo House

Made's garage floor

A fat little gecko on the wall above our couch

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