Sunday, March 17, 2024

Bali 2024 - Day 4 (March 16)

Sama Sama Shop - excellent tailors,
great prices

Ibu and I had different things to do today, so after breakfast, Made dropped Ibu at Sama Sama Shop so she could order some clothes, then drove me to Bintang so I could buy some groceries and supplies. We both finished up at about the same time so we met in the middle and headed into town for some lunch.

Today, we chose Murni's Warung. This is a famous restaurant known for being the first in Ubud. We were a bit disappointed to find that some of our favorites are no longer on the menu, but there is still plenty to choose from and the prices aren't bad.

We both ordered Lime Squash, a beverage much like a sweet limeade - very refreshing, but needs to come in a bucket. 🤣 It goes down too quickly. We ordered lumpia to share, then I got Nasi Goreng (with soda water) and Ibu got Berkadel Jagung (corn fritters), a bottle of water, and a banana split. 317,625 (about $21.00)

With intentions of working on the blog, I called Made for a pickup while Ibu walked toward town to check out some shoes she had seen yesterday. I got distracted, however, by a sound I couldn't identify. There was a strange kind of whirring that kept coming and going. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from, so I asked one of the staff what it was. He pointed to a kite that was flying very high and very far away. I took a short video, and you can hear it if you turn the sound way up. Unfortunately, it is competing with the pool pump.

Ibu's shoe adventure didn't go as she'd hoped. The shop staff gave her a pair of shoes that were way too small and insisted that they were her correct size, so she left the shop with no shoes. On the way back, she decided to explore a road we had never been down, and discovered a quieter way to get through town.

Putu to the rescue!
I walked out to a couple of local shops to get more groceries. 37,000 (less than $2.50) got me a little cup of cooking oil, a head of garlic, a small milk, a little bottle of sweet soy sauce, 2 eggs, and a potato. Now I'm set to do some cooking.

Back at home again, I got ready to hop in the pool for a quick cool-off, but got a message from Ibu that she had missed a turn coming home and wanted a ride. I sent Putu on his motorbike to go find her. Once she was home safe, I finally got my pool time in.

For dinner, we decided to try Cupit BBQ, which is on Jalan Penestanan at the bottom of the hill along the river. Ibu got cappuccino, 2 iced lemon teas, and ribs, and I got the BBQ pork sticks with fries and 2 soda waters. A bit expensive at 262,900 (about $17.35).

Off to bed - Sukawati Market tomorrow!

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