Monday, March 18, 2024

Bali 2024 - Day 5 (March 17)

 First stop this morning was the optik so Ibu could get some new glasses. She had just gotten new ones before we left home, but the prescription doesn't seem to be correct. Thanks to her new lenses (post cataract surgery), the machine couldn't read her eyes, so the optician checked her current glasses and used those to determine what her prescription should be in the new ones. Because she needs bifocals, it will be five days before her glasses are ready. They cost 900,000 (about $58.00), at least $300 less than in the US. If you come here, we both highly recommend Wita Optical.

Once that was done, we headed down the road to Sukawati to check out the market. This has also been cleaned up and rebuilt since our last visit. There is a brightly lit parking area beneath the buildings and multiple floors of vendors in three different buildings. Loads of sarongs, dresses, shirts, pants, and other textile products to be had here, but booth after booth of the same stuff. It's a matter of looking for the color you want and starting the bargaining. It seemed that most of the purchases we made were the first sale of the day for that vendor. Although I'm beginning to wonder if that's true or if they just say that to everyone. 

We made it through 3 (4?) floors of one building, then I needed something to eat. Made recommended not eating at any of the local places because he didn't want us to end up with Bali belly, so we headed back home.

The view from one of the upper floors of the market

Back at our villa, I cooked fried tomatoes and potatoes from the groceries I bought the other day. Tasty and simple lunch. Worked on the blog for a while. Ibu went to bed early, so we didn't eat any dinner. Rain started around 7ish and went into the night.

My feet and legs have still been swollen and hurting, so today I concentrated on making sure I got plenty of fluids and resting with my feet elevated. I didn't take many pictures today - wasn't really feeling well.

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