Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Bali 2013 - Day 4

Another busy day on tap - got to get those orders going so we will actually be able to take our goods home with us when we go!  Made came to pick us up at 9:00 for our return to Suwarsa.  We picked up all the pieces we had chosen from their stock, and chose styles for our stones to go in.  They had combed through the stones and matched them up for earrings and multi-stone rings, and separated them for various styles.  Can't wait to see the finished products!

After we got back to Ubud, we took our T-shirts and totes we had made a few years ago back to Sama-Sama Shop to see if they could fix our screen printing (our web address has changed since we had them made).  We also checked on getting labels made for our Pink Gecko products, but they are made in Java and will take too long.  Plus, there is a minimum order of 6000 pieces.  I can't imagine making that many products!

We walked back down the hill and across the old bridge for lunch at Murni's, another of our old favorites.  I'm sorry to say that the food here has suffered since our last visit.  Our "chicken schnitzel" was actually a thick, heavily breaded, over cooked chicken filet, accompanied by frozen fries and a salad.  The salad dressing had the same flavor as before, but was thicker, so it didn't coat the salad as well.  The prices here are higher than before (as expected), and our lunch cost almost $50.  Macaela says that the milkshake was still the best she's ever had, so I guess Murni's will stay on our list for shakes.  We didn't even try the fried tomatoes and onion rings that we usually get.  I think the lack of fresh cut potatoes scared us.

We still had a stop to make, so we asked Made to come pick us up again and take us to the printer.  We always have our business cards made in Bali because they are so much cheaper than we can get at home, and because we can't get cool cards at home like we get here.  The traffic was horrible, partly due to a ceremony going on further up the road, and parking was not available because we had come at the peak of the lunch hour at Ibu Oka's.  Made suggested we turn around and try again early tomorrow.  We agreed and had him drop us at the market for more shopping.

We went back home to regroup, drop off our purchases and pick up the kids, then we went back out to explore Jalan Kajeng.  This is another of those streets we have walked past for years and never gone down.  There are a lot of little places to eat down here, many with decent prices.  There are also several accommodations and spas.  We chose Fortuna for dinner and really enjoyed it.  The atmosphere was more like the old Bali we are used to, the food was good, and the prices were cheap.  After dinner we headed back home to bed.  Tomorrow we're taking the kids to the morning market before breakfast.  Nothing like an early walk to work up the appetite!

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