Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Rainy Sunday

After our adventures on Saturday, we decided to take it easy. The kids could get some extra school work time in, and everyone could get a little rest. Besides that, it was pouring rain! Well, after a while we decided we should go get some lunch, because I didn't feel like cooking. We donned our oh-so-fashionable orange plastic rain ponchos and set out for Murni's. About half-way there Jake complained of having something in his shoe, so we accepted a very conveniently timed offer of "Transport?"

Since it was still pouring, and it was Sunday after all, we decided to make it brunch. We started with onion rings (plain, not spicy) and battered fried tomatoes (yum!) at 17,500 each. The rain was splashing on the table a bit, so we scooted away from the rail. Lace and the kids all got chicken schnitzel (39,000) and I had the chicken chasseur (42,000), each served with fried potatoes and salad. Everything was quite delicious. Oh, and can I get the recipe for that dressing?! Well, by this time the rain was really coming in, so we asked to move to another table. You can't just leave in the middle of a rain like that, so we ordered garlic toast (15,000) and guacamole (19,500) and more garlic toast, and a couple of milkshakes (25,000).

The rain stopped, but by the time we heaved our stuffed selves away from the table, it was raining again. We looked around in Murni's shops for a while, but it became apparent that we were not going to get another clear chance to head home. We negotiated for transport: "How much to Penestanan?" "20,000" "How about 15,000?" "But it's raining?" "15,000?" "Yah, OK" (then we paid him 20,000 anyway). So, back to the bungalow, where everyone but me took a looonnnggg nap (the kids slept through the night). I read a book, played some cards, took pics, smoked cloves, listened to the rain . . .

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