Saturday, January 19, 2008

Savannah - Day 2

Today was cool (low 40's) and rainy. Not ideal for a walking city. We found out about the CAT Shuttle - a free service operated by the city transportation system. There is a stop located right out front of our hotel, and also a stop right near one of our selected destinations for the day, so it was determined that this would be our mode of transport today. But then, we realized that our first destination was just 2 blocks down the road, so we decided to walk there first.

We made our way down MLK Jr. Blvd. trying to obey the traffic laws. Not an easy task when the crossing lights allow about 2 seconds before the hand starts flashing to tell you to stay where you are. The nice thing is that drivers in Savannah are used to pedestrians and are generally very courteous. We turned off the sidewalk into the lovely, but very wet, gardens of the Ships of the Sea Maritime Museum. The museum is housed in the Scarbrough House, designed and built by architect William Jay, and the former home of William Scarbrough. Check their website for more information . . .

This was very interesting for the adults and my son; not so much for my daughter. As a Girl Scout, she was looking forward to visiting the Juliette Gordon Low birthplace house. Because of the rain, we decided to keep moving, so we walked a couple of blocks to the City Market. Here is a nice collection of shops, restaurants and artists studios. Also, this is the place to pick up one of those carriages you can see all over the historic district (not on a rainy day, however). We ate lunch at the Cafe at City Market, purchased discount tickets for the house tour, then set out for the closest CAT Shuttle stop. We waited, checked the time, moved to another stop, waited some more, checked the time again, waited some more . . . never did see that shuttle. The walk to the Wayne-Gordon house was not that far, but it wasn't fun in the rain. We enjoyed our tour of this large old house, purchased the requisite Girl Scout patches and postcards, and set out in the rain to head back to the hotel.

It seems a shame to stay holed up in a hotel room, but we were all wet and a bit miserable, and eating what was left of last night's pizza sounded pretty good. Add a couple of cups of hot chocolate, and a bag of popcorn, and you've got a fine rainy night dinner.

1 comment:

Ooh Baby! said...

What are you doing in Savannah? Off to Bali woman!