Monday, October 31, 2005

15 days - The countdown is on!

Now we enter the final two weeks. Making lists, checking lists. Last minute panicking about whether anything has been fogotten or left out. The first time I went to Bali, I forgot to pack my shoes. I did find a very nice pair in the Singapore airport that I still wear to this day.

What to wear on the plane? Traveling to Bali from Virginia is a challenge at this time of year because of the temperature difference. You have to dress warm enough that you don't freeze between home and the plane, but you don't want to wear anything too bulky to stuff in your carry-on when you change clothes. We usually travel eastward with a stop in Amsterdam, so we change en route to Singapore. This trip we will travel westward, so the change to tropical clothing will probably take place in Los Angeles.

Well, enough about clothes! We will have the honor on this trip of visiting the village of Baliman's ( brother-in-law. We always take a selection of school supplies with us as well as appropriate clothing that my kids have outgrown, and it is a joy to be able to distribute these to families that need them. We have never been to this village before, and we are quite excited about meeting the people and seeing life away from the tourist track.

Ah, well . . . back to work!